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Deadline is looming and the nightmares have begun. Last night's nightmare was, I got to the Williamson Gallery and there wasn't a single space for me to hang my paintings! I must pull myself together. My worries are mainly that the paintings(oils) aren't drying as quickly as I had hoped. This is partly due to the weather not being as warm as I had expected for this time of year. I am also surprised as I have been working with thin washes of paint mixed with white sprit which usually dry in a couple of days. I have now started to apply the paint more thickly aswell. The next step is to glue the paper lithographs onto the canvas. This is going to be impossible if the paint doesn't dry, so I am going to leave them until after the weekend. Meanwhile I am working at my Llandudno studio on the paper litho prints for the paintings. These I have found incredibly time consuming as I have to size the images first on my PC. These then have to be taken to Staples to be photocopied onto good quality paper. I then take them to my studio for printing. The first and second ink-ups of the image don't provide enough detail, so it's usually third time lucky. I just hope I can manage to get it all done in time. I also have to piece my book 'Fragile Form' together and make another mapping book to go with the other two I made for Utah. I also need to put together my journal ready for presentation. Mmm, plenty to be getting on with.