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I feel on the whole, my paintings have been resolved this week. My worry towards the end of the week was that I could have overworked them and that would have led to a loss of quality held within them. My books are all finished, the book from Utah has been returned. However we are not able to display the Utah books for the degree show due to them being displayed at The Liverpool Book Fair before the degree show is finished. This is a great disappointment to me because the book tied in with my core work. Not to worry though as it will be on display for the assessment. Going back to my paintings, I feel they have a moody quality to them. The colours have become darker and darker during the painting and layering process, but this is deliberate to make use of the light captured within them. The paper lithograph figure of my daughter Amelia have blended in well with the oil and I hope they will be dry tomorrow for hanging. Towards the end of the week I gave Caz and Julie a hand to get their work finished. We had a great time woking together. Everyone has been so supportive of each other. It's going to be hard getting back to normal after these intense last few months.