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Finally made it! Show was amazing; very well attended. The week leading up to it was extremely hectic, however, the setting up went smoothly. It was fairly straight forward for me to put up my paintings, the most difficult part is selecting which paintings to leave in and which to take out. The only other job for me was setting up the books in a glass case to stop them from being touched. Some people however, like Julie and Carol, had quite a job setting up their installations. Everyone has rallied around to create a wonderful show. All that is left to do now is gather all the written and supporting work together for the assessments tomorrow. I have to stop off at the library in the morning to get a copy of May’s edition of the an Magazine with my image on the front cover of the Degree Unedited 2009 suppliment because mine went missing last week from 121. Life never runs as smoothly as we want.