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1st March, 2011.

Well I have been really busy working on my drawing module. I have had a huge development breakthrough!!! I had always thought I would develop into a figurative artist, however the drawing module makes you push the boundaries and explore areas that you would have not considered before. So I had been working in an abstract form, using images of a group of objects photographed and the images were cropped to give close up images. These then were photocopied black n white and colour, and I have been collaging onto 3 d structures, Namely 4 sided pyramids, big un’s.

So now I am an abstract artist!! I have been completely blown away by these objects and my development towards this style has been a bit of a eureka moment. My tutors and other people who have seen my work are impressed by it. So you can imagine I was in a bit of a dilemma. I enjoy my figurative work and the mask theme. But I feel that after the drawing module has been marked and I continue with my core work which is the mask theme and figurative, it will be a backward step. So Hey!! I have changed direction, to one I think is right and I can evolve further.