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10th January, 2011.

Well I had a tutorial with Joe, Gutted!! I totally got the wrong end of the stick, I misheard what He wanted me to focus on. I thought when I was focusing on a dialogue, that it would be moving away from my masks, but that wasn’t the case. In a way I am glad, because I had as usual made a big mistake of being too general in my topic, it was not specific enough. I had a lot of sketches and good ideas from them, but it was too generalised! As it was, my assignment for this module is about identifying a topic or theme within my area of research, but that was proving difficult, which another tutor sort of hinted at. Anyway, so I am continuing my theme from last module on the Venice carnival, looking at the time of celebration and free expression throughout society. The masks hide any form of identity. Who is behind the mask? The masks enable the wearer to act more freely. I can relate the concept of the masks to everyday life, as everyone wears a mask of some description to hide their feelings, emotions; they wear a mask in a professional capacity or to interact with different people and family. I will focus on the dialogue between the festival goers. My assignment will be about the concept of masks in art and there meaning, unless I mess it up again and change my mind again! So watch this space.