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It is now time to get down to the nitty gritty part of the preparations of the degree show itself. Painting of boards and ensuring fixings are in place. Then there is all the supporting evidence that has to be assembled, tidied up or even created! We had a photohoot today of our work, done by AmyMacGlashan, these will go into our catalogue. Our studio space is a very large space shared by the three years of students, and two fellows. It was really buzzing and busy today, as other years are having assessments soon as well. You could feel the ideas and energy bouncing off the walls. The great thing about a buzzing studio is the variety of work that one sees, and the experimentation that takes place, this can help develop one’s own practice. had a bit of a disaster with one of my favourite chess pieces just after the photoshoot. Luckily I have a couple of spares that can can be used, but blutac on bases is beginning to appeal. We had a great session on “life after art school” from Emma Sumner.