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We have spent the last week setting up our show at the Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, in Birkenhead. Art works that looked larged in the studio seemed so much smaller in the gallery space. By thursday almost everthing was done for the private view on friday evening. Our second year illustration and animation students also have their gallery practice show on at the same time. Their work is magnificent. On displays there is a collection of artists books created by these students, some really great stuff. Some of the model making is so fine and so beautiful it made me feel envious of the talent. Our degree show looked well, and the private view went well and smoothly. I had seen a good deal of the work being created, but one piece in particular really moved me at the exhibition, and that was Ashley Hewitt’s piece on missing people, this was a simple pieces that was painfully moving, I was suprised by the effect it had on me, and others, it was so poignant, and sad, a very, very effective piece. Our Fellows Colette and Barbara were a great help in the setting up of the show, I hope we can return the favour when their show happens in September. Looking forward to that!