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I have now had time to land after the turbulence of the last few weeks. It has been great spending time with my family without the constant thought of having to be doing something else! I even managed a night out with the girls, clubbing, which was great fun!

I am very happy with my result, a 2.1 and I was so lucky as to get a fellowship as well, so I will be going back after the holidays. I have decided to use my year writing a proposal for a MA in research. Even though I am going back I feel slightly confused and not completly sure about what I want to do in the future. I probably just need some time off, I certainly feel the need to be getting on with some non-art things.

Yesterday I took my piece from the degree show to my sons primary school, I wanted them to have it for their art week. The children loved it and it was great fun to have them help me to put it up. I have arranged with the teachers that they will get the children to write about their experience interacting with the piece, and I am looking forward to reading about it. May be I can use it in my further studies.