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Gallery Exhibition practice – Personal perspective

Sharon Ross

Installation day – Big day had arrived and a full turn out of students which was great. Three Tutors also in attendance. It was interesting to watch how the tutors worked through the paintings, looking for themes, matches, etc. What I didn’t realise was how many painters there was in our group compared to last year’s gallery practice group. The paintings were put alongside the walls of the room. At first we had a go ourselves to see if we could come up with a workable theme. We had arranged it so all the portraits were on one wall, and all the landscapes were on another, with the abstract works on two other walls. It is not easy. It is about finding the right balance and volume in the works.

The themes that emerged were obviously – figurative – portrait work, fragmented body parts, urban and country landscape, abstract. The abstract was based upon urban city environment of Liverpool one. Also emerging was how different works could be matched by colours in the works.

The order of the works was finally decided, there was three installation works also which only two of them required to be placed in the centre of the room.

Placement of my work

My work was placed along the left hand wall as you come into the room. You can see the portrait of Fiona as you walk up the corridor to the gallery room. The portrait of Alan is next to my other work of Fiona.

Advantages of placement:

1. Prominent position. You can see it as you enter the room.

2. Good lighting over the canvases.

3. No obstructions, such as Installations.

4. Good space between different artists works.

5. No crowding of works.

Disadvantages of placement:

1. The portrait of Fiona covers a door in the wall (possible fire hose reel)

2. The line of the door might detract from the work displayed.

3. Personal note – feel my work is overshadowed by works either side, that is, I think the works either side of mine are much better.

4. Because of the prominent position, may feel inadequate, lack of confidence in ability, and of the work displayed in such a place.