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Today, I entered my first photography Competition at Birkenhead Park Visitor Centre, the theme being ‘Our Wonderful Wirral.’ Obviously it would be nice to win but I am happy just to take part as it will help promote my work and the prints will be for sale if anyone wants to buy them. The maximum print allowance was two per person. I will post the results of the competition when they are announced which will be about the 27th March. The entrie exhibition will be from Monday 22nd March- Friday 16th April Wish me luck everyone!

I tried to capture two different elements of the natural side of the Wirral. We have such diverse wildlife and some beautiful places that we dont take notice of sometimes. I varied my approach to the subject as I did not want to take photographs of Wirral landmarks as it would be to much of a ‘postcard’ image. Although some would say that my landscape photograph is exactly that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.