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I admit my blogging has been more than lax in the past few weeks. This is due mainly in part as my options print work which had to be in this Tuesday took priority, o.k so it’s only 17% of the final mark but considering I hate essays I need every mark I can get.

I am not much further with Merseytravel, I have been put in touch with another person there who I am meeting next Monday.

I am hoping there will be lots of items I can record and take photos of to give me an idea of the kind of objects that get handed in to lost property.

After going to a Sonia Boyce talk I have decided to continue with my use of film and will be recruiting for my film.

Currently if all goes to plan I am hoping to assemble a large quantity of lost items in a space surrounding a film that will be running on a loop. But this could all change once I have been to the lost property depo.

If anyone could suggest artists to look at for my essay, I am considering the subject to be artists who use found objects(but really found or even photographed in situ like Richard Wentworth).