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Well I had my meeting with Merseytravel yesterday, it went well they were very helpful and took me to the lost property office.

All the objects are stored in large metal cabinets and the valuable items such as phones that have not been claimed get auctioned off for charity but everything else gets donated to Oxfam after 3 months. I have been given permission to intercept before the Oxfam stage and use to objects for my work and then when finished give it to Oxfam.

I can collect my first of 3 lots of lost property at the start of April.

I want to create a film to go in my installation of lots of people talking about an object they have lost, I want them to describe it, where it came from, what it meant to them, where they may have lost it, did they try to get it back. I want to use 2 cameras to film so I can have a choice of views. I am relying on volunteers it will take no longer than 10 mins very relaxed and only filming head and shoulders. I will publish a blog at the end of this week asking for volunteers on the a-n blog, and email members of my college on art and design courses and hopefully some ex-students can help.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please comment . Thanks