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13th October, 2010.

Well I have given the Carnival clown a week or so to ponder over! And no I didn’t put scissors through it! I decided to paint the two masks back white, with subtle shading which I like immensely. It just lifts out the colour that surrounds the masks. I have also been putting in shades and tones in the ruffles of the clown, still working on the red one. The yellow and red clown hats I have straightened and I think I may have to put a sander on the red clown hat to get rid of the textured paint of the mask and hand that was there which is now gone. I want the clown hats to be straight and smooth which mirrors the ruffles. I have also changed the top left hand corner, making the ruffles appear more like a sunburst and using a palette knife on this area to change the texture slightly. What’s left to do, well now the other two clowns have had there make overs, I will work on the blue and black one. Was thinking of making him darker with the odd highlighted area, and accentuate the mask more like the white ones but dark. What do you think?

Here is a picture of my progress so far.