Well, I have managed to turn my husband into Sigmund Freud, with the hair line. It is a bit square, which is all wrong. Also I need to work on the shadows, tones of the skin, the nose look s a bit flat.

And the Ear, well, I am not going there! It looks like a rugby player’s ear. I am finding it hard to draw right, and get the correct tones.

Well, I have put some colour all over the canvas, and now I will study it to see what I need to do next.

My picture all though has a lot of character, looks flat, so I will strive to make it look more 3 dimensional. I am enjoying studying the colour mixes to get the right skin tones and shades. Alan’s face has a ruddy tone to it, so it show’s a lot of reds and yellows, he has a sun weathered face, through years of riding motorbikes, and the sun hitting his forehead and cheeks.

I think I may have finished it, but no doubt I will find something wrong or change it again. I have so far, altered his hair line, and ear. I have also dabbled more with the skin tone, trying to achieve a ruddier tone to his skin.

We will have to see where I take it next