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Had a bad health week so not as much work done as hoping this week. Saying that, I have used my sketch book a lot more whilst waiting for hours in hospital corridors and being laid up, the ideas were still flowing. I have scoured charity shops and internet auction sites for the right objects to start off my work, I know the piano will form a final piece so have decided (so far anyway) to stay music oriented so that the work will progress naturally to the piano. I eventually managed to acquire a radiogram and a broken violin…for free too! The violin will act as a maquette in theory. I toyed with blowing it up, smashing it with a hammer or jumping up & down on it but in the end I very carefully took it apart piece by painstaking piece and have laid it out in a plan form. It is waiting for me now, to get to the next phase, exciting stuff.

Site specific is going well, so far a lighting installation and a stainless steel sculpture and I have chosen a 3rd site to research. 3 down two to go!