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So busy it’s untrue, I’ve taken next week off work so that I can be in college more, just have too much to do before the Christmas assessment!! I have finished my essay, which was a huge relief, needs a bit if tweaking still but otherwise I think I’ve cracked it.

Core work itself is going well, I have been working on my musical ‘airfix’ type models and didn’t realise quite how much would be involved, each piece has to be so precisely positioned so that the item could actually fit back together again. The ‘instruction manual’ plays a key part of the work so I have spent hours reverting to my ~long idle~ graphic design skills and also getting printing quotes this week.A fabulous local company have amazingly offered to print these for free, I shall be eternally grateful! On the other end of the artistic scale I’ve (literally) smashed up an old ‘Pye Princess’ radiogram to be hung from the ceiling & wall as if exploded – nothing precise about this work! Trying to smash the casing whilst leaving the actual radiogram in tact so that I can play music from it was difficult. It would be so much easier to just set to with a hammer and vent all my artistic frustrations into smashing it completely to smithereens, alas it was not to be but once I’d prised the casing off, I had a good old go at it – strangely therapeutic actually!This work will be actual & tangible, encased into or exploding out from a pre-constructed frame.

There will also be ‘deconstructed’ sheet music books to accompany the instruments.Music is such a huge part of most people’s lives that I’m hoping the final installation may well reach out to a new audience, viewers who are not necessarily interested in contemporary art but who will recognise the instruments and perhaps just enjoy viewing them in an altogether different manner.