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Back at college, The Christmas & New Year break were fabulous, I had time to fully recover from the flu and enjoy my family again and it was all over too soon.

What to do now?

I've done a lot of thinking these last few weeks – my original plan was to 'explode' a piano, the work last term was acting as maquette for this final piece but now I feel differently.

I think the exploding radiogram fulfilled what I wished for, the idea is now spent – what else can I learn from another suspended animation. It worked, I was pleased with it but how do I now go forward from this?

I spent today dismantling, quite theraputic to take apart a piece of work that had taken so much from me, blood,sweat and tears (literally). It was good to know that it was a one off, never to be seen again, my own personal memories and photographs the proof that I had achieved what I wanted but oohh such a good feeling to now be rid of it, a fresh space to work in. Exciting to be able to fill it with new ideas.

And so – the ideas – hmmm – if I think them, they will come.