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I had a lightbulb moment this week.

Have spent many an hour and many pages of my sketchbook trying to figure out a way to transport my book explosions into the gallery for the degree show.

They are so delicate that they have to be made in situ, there didn't seem to be any way to make them and get them to the gallery without major tangling of the strings. I actually like the strings once tangled but it is not the effect I want for these particular works.

I have looked into wrapping them around cardboard rolls, layering them in tissue, laying them flat within felt panels and yet still they tangle, the cut out notes all writhing together as if they are rebelling against me separating them from the book in the first place. It is so frustrating.

I thought about a long glass structure to house each one, museum like but that would mean they would be too 'still'. I love their movement, the way they dance when a slight breeze or a viewers breath passes by them. I like that they are open to people touching them too, they are probably too delicate for that but I'd like to give the impression that they can be touched.

Anyway, I digress – the lighbulb moment.

I figured that if I made a frame of sorts and attached the book one end and the wire to the other I can manouvre the whole thing in one piece and then remove the frame insitu at the gallery.

Some cardboard, a dowling rod and a glue gun later I had a made a maquette that actually works..well at that size anyway.

I now feel soo much more positive, the relief at being able to assemble 10 books prior to the exhibition as opposed to having to put up with 4 or maybe 6 if I worked flat out for the week of installation.

On a completely different note I am off on a college trip to Paris on Monday for 5 days, yay :)