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Jeez…10 days have passed without me blogging. How did that happen?

I have been so busy writing away that I'm sure I have been absorbed into a timewarp. In fairness, I've been ill (again) as well – being ill eats time up that I can not afford to lose.

DO I have anything interesting to say? I don't know – do you all want to hear about my research, probably not and yet I have not much to tell about my actual art work, that is a laborious ongoing project.

I am cutting paper shapes from music books, religiously….I will need so many that all I seem to be doing lately is cutting, writing, cutting writing, eating, cutting, writing….add in a few hours sleep then back to cutting, writing and so on and so on.

It has occured to me that nearly every shape I cut, though random, are all looking rather droplet like – tears shed for these old books that had once been so cherished. I like that idea.

I took half a day off on Sunday and wandered around the Tate with my kids, that helped. I feel more inspired looking at other people's work and trying my best to explain it to a 10 and 4 year old.

Cornelia Parker's 'Measuring Niagara with a Spoon' was fantastic – my 10 year old thought it was 'just a bit of wire' but upon hearing the explanation was in awe. He then proceeded to read every explanation for every piece in the exhibition. I feel we have a convert to contemporary art and wonder what he might create in his next art class in school.