This probably wont be my last day as it rained very hard. What I made turned into a paddling pool under a bench! unable to finish.

As for the wise men I mentioned earlier, I am now a little closer to being one. I dont think its about art particularly, but it is about change. My grandmother was a victorian and I dimly remember her. The values and codes of behaviour in her time were much more austere than today. Things change and I could start sounding like my dad ' if only the kids today blah had blah more blahdy blah'. But my world is different from his and my son's different from mine. How stale would a monopoly of victorian values in todays world be?

Perhaps the outsiders need to shake the core alittle as it will go stale. Teddy boys (before my time) are probably pretty mellow now and say 'if only the kids today blahdy blah.

Society is a pretty organic thing and will shift around and art/culture is a major part of that. I am not sure that art is allways the root cause of the shifts but I am sure it highlights and reinforces them so that new rules become the stable core.

So if St. Radigans is a measure of the the future then!……its pretty free-form. And the purchase order for Middleport arrived today so as one job draws to a close another begins. As my old mum used to say 'out with the old and in with the new'!