Viewing single post of blog Year 3 Degree Project by Elaine Hedges

One of my pieces had unfortunately been broken by someone putting their foot through it when it was residing on the floor and tearing a piece approximately 15 inches long across it with their foot.

This gave me the idea of repairing it, but just not quite like before. I had spoken in previous blog posts about experimenting in interweaving, but weaving different coloured cut outs together. This felt like an interesting way I could use this idea without destroying another piece of work.

I feel like it worked very well, although it isn’t immediately clear that the piece has been tampered with and inter woven until you look closely. When the piece is help up it becomes much clearer as the paper layers don’t separate as they have before, instead staying seemingly stuck together. The overall effect of the interweaving is definitely understated. Most viewers would assume that it could separate into different layers just like my other designs.

I used normal pritt stick glue as the glue didn’t need to be particularly strong when so many areas were glued together and I also needed a material that would dry quickly, transparently and wouldn’t be obvious as I felt that it would unnecessarily draw attention to those joints in a way I didn’t want.

While the obviousness of the joining would make it more clear with a different sort of glue, I also thought it would weigh it down if it was glued with a hot glue gun glue, although it would dry more quickly, and I couldn’t use pva glue as the drying time would be too long, I would look control over how much glue would be on each area, but it would have dried transparently.