Viewing single post of blog Year 3 Worcester University BA Fine Art

last week I performed for PiLot at the university. I tested a performance where i dragged a box using a pulley system and rope backwards and forwards.

Feed Back

  1. Is this performance Site Specific?
  2. Is it about the setting
  3. Creates Drama and tension
  4. Monastic
  5. would it work as a film?
  6. absurd
  7. Pointless
  8. indication of pain
  9. does it need a start and an end?

I had a few answers for thes points and questions and by answering them it may help me develop other work and help me come to a conclusion to what I am looking at.

  1. Yes and no if a space is set up correctly then it may work well and/or differently in a white cube space. Something I aim to look at in crits later on this semester.
  2. Something also I would like to experiment with the setting can really play with the horror content. Covered face and black suit.
  3. tension i can see with the ‘whats going to happen next’ also i found there was a feeling of loneliness I was on my own dragging the box in the cold especially when the audience left.
  4. I had to research ‘Monastic’ and I like this observation especially in relation to my earlier research project.
  5. I am attempting a film version but through film you must question does it provide the physicality? and the knowlege that the performer may be sill going once the audience moves away. Its about the illusion of the continuous vicious circle. Its haunting.
  6. absurdity found within the setting the costume and the actions which i like maybe it could be more absurd.
  7. pointlessness found within the absurdity
  8. pain found within the actions within the performance.
  9. No not for the ideas i am running with.