Viewing single post of blog Youngs Glass Design

Two posts in one day may happen a lot on this blog, the 500 words may limit me a tad when I’m putting my test pieces on here.

My intentions when I begin my next project are to focus initially upon wearable art. In short, my first project will be based solely around making corsets with glass bones. The idea is that the bones will be curved ‘poles’ of glass with some kind of reasonably durable fabric woven around them to hold them in place.

I plan to initially try a small waist-cincher then, if I can make it work, move on to full and under-bust corsets. I have a friend who is doing a corset-making internship so I shall be stealing her help for this. Maybe combine the glass with leather later and mould it around the bones. i have so many ideas swimming around in my head and I have no idea if I can make any of them work! If I understood the textile side of it then I would be fine, for example I know that I can make the glass sections to the right shape and size (albeit with a bit of practice first) and I can strengthen them with ribs if need be. I just cant conceive a way of putting it all together yet. The whole prospect of exploring a completely new area is hugely exciting! As far as I’m aware this has not been attempted before, we have had glass dresses and clothing before but they were pretty un-wearable.

I need to do some concept sketches so some of this stuff gets out of my head! I will scan and post them when I do some.

I plan to base some of these loosely on Victorian-Gothic dress, I want to base one on cupcakes and sweets, I want to do one inspired by Tim Burton with spiral-striped bones, there are so many possibilities!