The Arches
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Arches | 253 Argyle St | Glasgow | G2 8DL | Scotland | UK

“Hole in my Pocket invite you to join them for The Himp Sunday Service, an non-denominational alternative to Sunday School for creative types. Come along and hear a series of sermons from top artists, designers and performers about their chosen creative fields, find out what inspires them and celebrate the Church of Creativity in style with some group karaoke led by a local Choir, readings from Moby Dick and a nice cup of tea. Sundays 19 September and 3, 10 October 1 -2.30pm.” Talks will be with a slide show presentation of images and will last around 5 mins and will be kept short and snappy so it will be a really fun, light hearted and relaxed way to explore ideas. The talks will be interspersed with some group singing to some pop hits and once its all over, there will be free tea and scones served which will allow everyone to mingle and chat about all things creative. If anyone is interested in the above, then please email [email protected].