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Mark Glassman, 'Opening', Acrylic on canvas, 2009.
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MIcrotubuli X4

MIcrotubuli X4

Hans Borgonjon, 'MIcrotubuli X4', Ceramic, 2008. Photo: Artist. porcelain and red earthenware structures with a slipcast skin, 24 cm dia and 60 cm deep.
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ice text
Blog Artist

Miriam Troth Iced KUBE

Ania Bas at Kube has invited us (WAVYBLUE artists group) to develop our ideas through ArtLab at Kube . We were inspired by meeting Ania and are looking forward to working with her at Kube.

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Martin Hamblen
Blog Artist

In Certain Places

In Certain Places artist in residence at the St. Johns Shopping center in Preston.

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Blog Artist

the first six months…

the university of derby fine art degree show in 2009 was entitled ‘departure’. this blog will hopefully be an account/diary/place for thought/intervention of the first six months of my departure from the degree process, as i find my feet, attempt […]

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Fiona Flynn
Blog Artist

Artothlon, Summer 2009

Vilnius is a 2009 European Capital of Culture and Artothlon, a reality show for artists, will run for six weeks over the summer. I’m in it, along with 15 others from Lithuania and abroad. Here’s a record of the project, […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Good news and really sad news this week. I found out that Intute (for whom I work as a cataloguer) has had its funding cut by half. This basically means that there may be a bit of work this year […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "In Certain Places"

“You’ve missed a bit” mouthed the passer by at the window. I had started painting a red strip, stripe, around the walls of shop unit 15. First coat finished 30th June, back today for second coat. Bought 2 globe lamps […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "After Rites"

This is my last post for this blog. I thought the question of what to do next would require endless soul-searching, but writing the blog, and participating in other blogs has really clarified my issues, priorities and expectations. I realise […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "WET"

LAST DAY OF “WET” 28.06.09 Today is the last day of WET and I have been invigilating, which is a tough job because it is a very beautiful sunny day out there. It’s been fairly quiet, and this seems to […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "A Walk With Cosmo."

Me and Cosmo went up the woods the other day to see if there were any signs of wild flowers growing around the oak tree? On the way we met a woman whose sister had a new golden doodle like […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

Studio: I’ve really enjoyed being part of the studio. We all get on well and are very supportive of each other. I realise that in one way (financially) we have been very lucky to have such a lax Landlord, I […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Polymorphous Grotesquerie"

Page 7 Little Blue lets out a sigh of delight as its hot fluid cascades into her bejewelled crevice. She gazes up at you as you look down at the French Fancy gently regurgitating from the dark mysterious opening that […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Polymorphous Grotesquerie"

Page 6 Little Blue greedily opens her legs, proffering up her own dark hole, its jewelled, fleshy mound, puckering hungrily at the thought of the hidden insides of the French Fancy. Little Red expels the French Fancy from her mouth […]

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