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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Place"

The ‘Installations that never were…’ (…) project has ground to a halt, perhaps because all attempts to shift it from virtual image to physical, real, scaffolded installation have failed, denuding it of charge for me. Alternatively, perhaps it represents an […]

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Richard Mosse
News News story

Review: Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2014

It’s not exactly a vintage year for the highly-coveted Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, hosted by The Photographers’ Gallery, but one shortlisted artist in particular makes a bold statement for the award.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "University Campus Suffolk"

As I become increasingly immersed within my ‘Every photo we took at the beach’ series, I can not help but recall the photographs of Martin Parr. Whilst his images of a seaside resort past its prime are quite different to […]

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Back to the Square
News News story

INTERNATIONAL: The week ahead in contemporary art

This week’s snapshot of international art action sees us talking about revolution in Finland, exploring the virtual and the real in the Netherlands, contemporary Arab art in the USA, and going deep into the Congo in Australia.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "University Campus Suffolk"

In previous posts I have reflected on my wish to use anaglypta wallpaper in more of my works given the relevance of such a material to my childhood memories. Following both my initial experiment on this paper and then working […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "11/11/13 – 11/03/14"

There was a really fantastic co-resident artist working in the studios on Sunday who is working on a top secret project that I can’t share anything about, except perhaps that it deals with environmental issues and soil samples in an […]

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Lorenzo Vitturi
News News story

Top ten: the best photo books of 2013

Tim Clark, who writes a-n’s fortnightly PICTURED column, provides a rundown of the ten visually rich art books that have piqued his curiosity during 2013.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Un-Fiction Snapshots etc"

Under the working title Digitise these two pieces develop the ideas around Virillio and the proliferation of images in the technological age, but also with a certain amount of daftness as usual. Titles will be common phrases as if lifted […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "barren"

barren day 17 Absurdity at 11am with Kippers So the image of Icarus falling preys on images here, subtly, not as a myth making device but similar to other artists giving it meaning via failure, ineptitude, foolishness and folly. I […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "University Campus Suffolk"

Almost finished maneouvering my work into place. If it wasn’t for the University being really anal, then it would have been finished tonight. Oh well. Anyway, providing some pictures of the hanging in progress. Decided on a different format for […]

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