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News News feature

A Q&A with… Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, painter

The Turner Prize nominated painter Lynette Yiadom-Boakye is the latest artist to select work from the V-A-C Collection, Moscow, as part of a series of shows at the Whitechapel Gallery. She talks about her choices – works inspired by nature and including paintings, photographs and a film.

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Blog Post

Allen Jones

While reading the feminist writings of Andrea Dworkin, specifically her book Pornography, Men Possessing Women as part of my dissertation research a particular phrase struck a chord. “The two poles of her existence as a white woman are underscored:  she is boss, […]

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Blog Artist



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Blog Post


Having re-primed the canvas I have an idea that I will paint a female figure that is “wrapped” in clothing Re Think I researched on the web, in magazines and books and have come up with several images that I […]

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News News feature

30 years of Castlefield Gallery: “People decided to club together and do something”

Manchester’s Castlefield Gallery is celebrating its 30-year history with a forward-looking exhibition featuring artists who are ‘shaping the future of contemporary art’. Liz West, an artist based in the city, speaks to the gallery’s director and to fellow Manchester artists, about the important role it plays in the area’s art ecology.

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News News story

Buy art at Christmas: 10 artists’ prints, t-shirts and other presents

Looking for Christmas present ideas, want to support artists and/or organisations that promote contemporary art? There are loads of opportunities to buy unusual or limited edition works online, while also putting some much-needed money back into the visual arts ecology. Here’s 10 ideas to start you off.

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Blog Post

It’s Up!

I can’t believe it – the work is actually up on the walls (and in a display case) at the William Morris Gallery! The installation was quite exciting, given that three works had to be installed high up in the […]

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Blog Post

Remembering the Residency

The end of the Surface Arts and Rumpueng Artspace Residency saw two more actions from Girl Gang Chiang Mai. We showed shoppers how to ride an escalator like a rainbow and how to pause time whilst camouflaging produce in a […]

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Blog Post

The Thread of Life

For a long time I’ve been thinking about the thread of life as a starting point for a project. The thread of life comes from Greek myth, and relates to the three Fates, or Moirai; three women who decide on […]

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Blog Post

My meeting with Bill Burns

Writing a blog is all new to me and seeing as mine is about one to one conversations with artists I cannot help but worry about issues concerning the personal and the vastly public (that’s of course assuming that anyone […]

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Blog Post

Re_view Bursary meeting #1

Post 6 Francesca Gavin – 21/May/2014 Francesca understood the work and the motivation behind it straight away – making interesting links and picking out associations. In addition, she commented how I am almost drawing with paint, which I completely recognise. […]

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Blog Post

Leeds visit – Friday 30th May 2014

Leeds was to be our final excursion out of the North East for medical museum musing. We were excited by the prospect of surfacing the already realised concepts – the ’emotional truth’, literary and visual imaginations, stories from human remains […]

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