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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "STUDIO 75"

Tis the season of the art prizes. I saw the announcement of the Catlin art prize today. I’m not really bothered about these kinds of prizes because as a filmmaker it’s completely irrelevant to me, but as a cultural critic […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Grains of Salt"

#PayingArtists Part 2 Now I must admit that, like any artist, I’ve done my fair share of work for free, enticed by the promise of “good exposure” and “looking great on my CV” etc… And yes, maybe, perhaps this was […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "To the margins and taking risks"

Got somewhat overtaken by bringing the margins into my local village halls. Took the discussions with Trevor Pitt and Zoe Shearman to heart and steered the ship, no bus, accordingly. What a spectacular package evolved in a day. These […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Threads"

Well… bit of a dilemma… Here I am in Jamestown New York, with all these events planned for me, and the little tickle in the back of my throat that I thought was because of spending so much time in […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Simulacra And Simulations"

After six months of financial chaos, stress, and mostly chaos, things have started to return to normal, after my prodigal son returned home again, escorted by the police. In short, his living situation was atrocious, never mind the fact that […]

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Rude Food Fiesta
News News story

Rude Food Fiesta: a mouthful out of a meal

This weekend, nomadic curatorial and artistic practice, Companis, presents Rude Food Fiesta – a fusion of food, performance and spectacle taking place in Birmingham. Sian Tonkin, one of the event’s organisers, provides a taster.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "All From Brazil"

With Hindsight I presumed that after 3 years of University studying Fine Art, I would be excited to be out on my own. However, nearly two months after finishing I feel no drive to carry on creating art. One of […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "tenyearstoturner"

a positive……. “I am delighted to accept your proposal for performing at Impossible Lecture this year!” ……unfortunately I work weekends and usually I would have been able to book the weekend off no problem however the company I work for […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Venice For Beginners"

Part 4… When we got off the plane, we went in search of the bus in to Venice and quickly found ourselves in the queue and in conversation with Mark Wallinger (it’s the post-flight smokers bond, Candice later informed me). […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Getting paid"

Fees Fees Fees. I have been so overwhelmed by the number of opportunities with entrance fees attached recently. I don’t know if there are more of them around, or it’s just because they are ones I am interested in, but […]

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Le Paradis sur Terre 1
News News feature

Working internationally: no reputation without representation?

Working internationally is key to the development of many artists’ practice, but without gallery representation the hurdles are considerable. With the 55th Venice Biennale soon to open, we speak to three artists – including one showing in Venice – about the challenges of working abroad without a gallery, and also get the views of an independent curator.

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Threads"

Getting at the truth. In reading Kate Murdoch’s blog I started to think again about the purpose of the blog. This blog. Initially it was a way for me to talk about my work, to myself, to articulate what it […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Threads"

Still thinking about my life as an artist. And also thinking about a friend’s words that 24/7 art would send him to the madhouse. I think I’d like to give it a go, take that risk. It won’t happen anytime […]

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