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#PayingArtists Part 2

Now I must admit that, like any artist, I’ve done my fair share of work for free, enticed by the promise of “good exposure” and “looking great on my CV” etc… And yes, maybe, perhaps this was true when I first graduated. But now, ten years later, no way! During these years of practice I’ve built up a solid reputation, exhibited widely, been shortlisted for awards and worked for big private and corporate clients, and my CV already looks pretty good, thank you! However I’ve only ever been paid once by a public gallery for putting on a show.

Lately the requests for freebies have been coming thick and fast. I was recently approached by an organisation who said “We really love your work and find your research fascinating. We’d love you to work with us on this project…” To which I replied “Great! Fantastic! My fee for a day is £150” (pretty reasonable given my experience). I didn’t receive a reply. Obviously they didn’t love my work or value my experience enough to pay me. What makes me angry and frustrated here is that the same organisation has probably now approached some other artist who has agreed to do the work for free on the unfounded hope that it may, sometime, lead to something paid in the future. As a result of this I’m probably now labelled as a mean, money-grabbing individual in that particular organisation’s books too.

Is it too much to ask that I’m paid accordingly for my valuable skills and experience? I work regularly with large organisations (not arts) who contract me to use these skills to problem solve and deliver creative training solutions. These corporate clients value my unique insights and creative talents and are more than happy to pay me accordingly. After all, I have a very special set of skills highly prized but often under-represented within the world of business. And being paid for this (on time too!!) feels great.

Earning a decent wage is directly linked to the perception of self-worth and the value we place on our talents. It’s so important that we artists are paid properly to feel respected and enable us to invest in and sustain our practice.

This leads me to my final point. Art is my passion, and being an artist is the driving force within my life. But I’ve become tired; tired of being underpaid and scratching around for an income; tired of feeling undervalued; tired of feeling my hard work and creative mind is taken for granted; tired of feeling I’m expected to give away my services freely to the lowest bidder. A-n’s #PayingArtists campaign is just what’s needed to give this country a massive kick up the backside and demand a better deal for artists. I’m backing it 100%, and I really hope it makes a difference. But, I’m not stopping here. I’m a professional and am good at my profession. I want my income to reflect this. I’ve embarked on a programme of upskilling myself; studying and taking exams to add professional qualifications to my already impressive but art-centric CV. I suppose what I’m trying to say here is that even if artists do start to get paid a “fair” wage, what will this entail? It may still only equate to minimum wage, and I believe I’m worth a great deal more than this. The many skills of an artist are tricky to define, and perhaps this means it will always be a challenge to get paid fairly because many organisations/clients will struggle to understand exactly what it is they are paying for. So I figure I need to learn the language of business in order to get recognised for my skills and paid properly, because maybe, sadly, this is the only language that everyone understands.

Yesterday I passed, my first project management exam, and I have more lined up for the summer. Immediately this has placed a recognised monetary value upon my skills. As opposed to being scared about how I’ll survive I’m now excited by the prospects the future may hold. With the removal of financial pressure I’ve discovered a new found energy for my creative art. Perhaps I can now have the best of both worlds?