Everyone is against the thought of paying for exhibitions – I know I am. But….needs must and all that. We have decided to include the work of other artists in our Jamestown NY exhibition. To cover costs, admin, transport and the extra time the poor exhibition technician who will be putting up these additional works, we are going to charge £12. So…. you can either stop reading in disgust now…or… put a New York exhibition on your CV by pledging £12 on our Kickstarter site.


It’s not £12 entry in the hope that you will be selected, its £12 guaranteed acceptance. To eliminate some of the more dodgy work that my come our way through this ‘ all is accepted route’, we will need to see at least 3 images of works so that we can chose one ( though we don’t need to see images yet until January ) The work will have to be small – A5 and very light.

So…. You have a week. Help us reach our Crowdfunding target, while being part of an exciting project!