Elena Thomas
Talking and teaching now and then. Near Birmingham
I’ve just written this to a-n… if you feel the same way please join in and let’s see if we can get them to change it! Good morning all! I know I’ve brought up this issue before, and all […]
As well as being a member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) I have recently also become a member of ExtraOrdinary People (EOP) at Eastside Projects. I am hoping that by belonging to both I will be […]
(But most of all: collaboration) I’ve had a week when I intended to concentrate on songwriting. I had in my head a sort of Immersion Week, as championed often by Dan Whitehouse. I started the week well, with a […]
Following my last post, I am back in the studio making. I’m using waste paper, mostly the brown paper of the type used to fill the void in parcels. I’ve got people saving it for me. When I have […]
https://elenathomas.co.uk/2017/06/26/once-more-with-feeling/ I make no apologies for referring to an old post from 2017. To save time if you can’t be bothered to read it, I talk about my very personal and emotional connection to my work, how I anthropomorphise objects, […]
I find Facebook memories a useful tool in reminding me what I’ve been up to in previous years. It is useful to see what I was making one year/ three years/ six years ago. Yesterday a post popped up from […]
Still reading The Disappearance of Rituals… The urge to Produce, to provide Content is rife. But the problem is with the sort of art work I do, if I am too intent on the product and not the process, I […]
While I was making the work for Five, Six, Pick up Sticks, it was very important to me to collect real twigs, pick them up from the ground, consider them carefully for wrapping. I still have all these wrapped […]
Those who read this blog, or who follow me on social media when they meet me they say “You’re SO busy aren’t you?” And yes, it does appear so, and I am tired so it must be true! Some of […]
Back in the studio, the effects of Sweden are still swimming around in me. I’m hoping that it lasts. I have taken down all the large drawings of sticks and stones, feeling that they have done as much as I […]
I’ve come away from Sweden with a profound sense of clarity about who I am and what I should be doing, and feeling grateful that I can do it. It wasn’t without its difficulties and obstacles. I must say up […]
Remember the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, when they rig up a helicopter with banks of lights and speakers and send it up to communicate with the mother ship? Bah bah bah baaah BAAAAH! KABOOOM!! That’s what […]