riA graduate of Fine Art from the former Bath Academy (1995), i built up my studio practice whilst at ACAVA and Great Western Studios (both in West London), and is now based at The Yard Studios in Wharf Hill, Winchester, Hampshire.  An interdisciplinary artist, who endevours to capture and renew lost experiences through my art. Paintings showing at  The Coningsby Gallery, London from 1-12 November 2010. see  ohttp://www.theurbanitecollective.com/f paintings I’ve called ‘A Stitch in Time’ are an intimate portrayal of urban living. Drawn from personal memories, they show children waiting in a domestic setting or self-absorbed in the landscape. The themes of family and belonging are key to my work, infused by my English and Cypriot heritage. Pictorial representations of family and domestic objects, ‘read’ differently when placed in an external environment. Within this juxtaposition, each painting has a story to tell, to be unraveled and interpreted by the viewer.

Raziye Parmley built up a successful practice while at ACAVA and Great Western Studios in London and participated in many Open Studio events there. She recently exhibited in ‘10 days at The Laundry’, sponsored by BID and Winchester City Council. She is a founding member of Optician Gallery, a collective of artists who collaborate on site specific projects and workshops. Raziye’s work is held in private collections in the UK and abroad.Â