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In November 2013, our class was doing an exhibition by means of experience only among the students with our teacher Andreas Vaz, each of us analysed the work one of the other and given our own opinion. We were free to choose the location inside the gallery for exhibition and were analysed by the teacher through our choice. My presentation of the performance was in front of a small kitchen inside the space, which I used a red large kitchen towel for exhibit a picture I painted on the subject of my Domestic Violence performance. All these details were analysed, including the colour of my clothes, as follows in detail the analysis:

The proximity of kitchen, it may be a reference to the domestic violence, the red colour of towel represented the burning love in a relationship between two people, and also the bloodshed in a violent act; and dress violet, recalled the passion and death of Christ by the act violent on crucifixion of Christ by Pilate, and this colour also convey sadness, pain, and death.

This was a valuable experience for me to know how to choose the space inside a gallery to view, and this same space also has its meaning.