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braclets produced by resident artist Shelley Moore
Resource Archive Discussion

Accessible art

I graduated from Liverpool Hope University College with a degree in Design and I am now a self-employed designer/silversmith, specialising in silver tableware. Currently I job share as jewellery instructor at Henshaws Arts and Crafts Centre in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire. […]

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Mary Kirk
Resource Profile

Mary Kirk

My art practice is focused on the process of making, and with my involvement in that process.

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Resource Profile

Dominic Thomas

The concept of location has always been central to my practice – as subject matter, a source of materials, and as a context for the production and presentation of my work.

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Sky Map
Resource Archive News archive

Art map

An unusual work of art was seen over the Cardiff Bay in June when artists Hana Sakuma and Adrian Holme created ‘Sky Map’ to coincide with the official opening of Cardiff Bay barrage. The work was commissioned by PLACE, which […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Workforce trends revealed

A substantial study by Metier, the national training organisation for arts and entertainment, reveals the sector to be a large and complex one that encompasses some of the most profitable parts of the economy in the recording industry and commercial […]

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Resource Archive News archive

Directive unhelpful

In July 2001 the European Parliament and Council of Ministers did something for artists. But before you rush out to open a few bottles of something to celebrate the new EU Art Resales Directive, hold it, as it isn’t all […]

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The Dinosaur's Egg (detail)
Resource Archive News archive

Arts exploration go-ahead

A groundbreaking new partnership between Meteor, Axis, Foundation for Community Dance, NAWE, Sound Sense and Writernet has secured £360,000 from the New Opportunities Fund to create ‘Arts Explorer’. Funding and collaboration between partners will enable some 10,000 pages of text, […]

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Collective Pulse
Resource Archive News archive

Light touch

Installation artist Caitlin Heffernan and mixed-media artist Sandra Beccarelli have joined forces to create ‘Collective Pulse’, an “unsettling and inspiring environment of pictures to dance to, in an installation to dream in”. Both artists are excited by light and works […]

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Andrew Stones - NESTA fellowship recipient
Resource Archive News archive

NESTA invests in artists

The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) recently announced over forty new awards worth over £3.5 million, as part of its mission to spot and invest in UK innovation and creative talent. This brings the total awards […]

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Resource Archive Feature

Taking control

Lucy Wilson talks to Anna Best about her unconventional Year of the Artist residency working with staff at a-n The Artists Information Company.

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The Battle of Orgreave
Resource Archive Feature

Battle of Orgreave

Contemporary re-enactment, art event or memorial? David Butler gives an insider account of Jeremy Deller’s ambitious Artangel Times commission.

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Resource Archive Feature

The next stage

Graham Parker discusses his approach to his role as Visual Arts Officer at Salford University.

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Resource Archive Feature

Digital Arts Network

Lizzie Muller and Andy Roshay of the Digital Arts Network describe how the network addresses the need for regional collaboration in digital arts development.

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Kidnapping Europe
Resource Archive Feature

International Ceramics Festival

In his opening speech at the International Ceramics Festival in Aberystwyth, Garth Clark, owner of the Garth Clark Gallery in New York, remarked on the way potters tend to “herd together” not, he emphasised, like distracted lemmings, but like caribou, moving with a purpose towards their goal.

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Veils of Absence
Resource Archive Feature

Transcending fixed geographies…

Art has always had the ability for convergence and understanding amongst people, irrespective of language barriers. Internationalism in art is that space that transcends fixed geographies, identities and positions to create a new coherence from diverse dialogues. As an artist […]

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Resource Archive Feature


Pete Clarke gives an account of his involvement in an exhibition that is part of an ongoing network of exchanges between artists from the north west of England and different European cities.

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Images from a selection of projects
Resource Archive Feature

Action and theory

In the last feature in this series, the focus is on artist Anatoly Osmolovsky living and working in Moscow.

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Resource Archive Discussion


Communion was a living, growing artwork, installed within the pedestrian bridge at Tynemouth Metro station near Newcastle upon Tyne. The work consisted of twenty-two paper basins, suspended by strands of muslin and counterbalanced by blown glass vessels. Sealed within each […]

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Familiar Strangers (buffet car)
Resource Archive Discussion

Familiar strangers

I am curious about British reserve and the idea that a silent community exists on trains. As artist in residence on Connex trains during May, I actively engaged with passengers on the London to Brighton Express. Connex sponsored the cost […]

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Resource Archive Discussion

Mind Dance

Originally trained as a scientist, I see the similarities between artistic and scientific activity: the intense concentration in pursuit of the possible or the maybe. So when the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine invited me to exhibit in […]

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