rain - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post


I am staring out into the garden at the roses both blooming and drooping in the rain. There is the quiet hum of the fridge in the background and the only other thing I can hear currently is the tapping […]

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Blog Post

Floating around inside of me

I am currently working towards an exhibition with an artist friend. It will be held in CornerHouse – a community arts centre in Tolworth and I am grateful for the opportunity to have something focused to work towards. Our exhibition […]

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Blog Artist

Ivan Grieve Outside In artist of the Month

Ivan Grieve talks to us about growing up in the Bohemian North London of the 1960s, his unusual methods of self portraiture and dealing with the Devon rain.

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Blog Post

Water Insecurities

As someone who struggles with anxiety, and the mood dips that go with, the climate crisis affects my mental health – and, therefore, my wellbeing – greatly. I have some really dark thoughts that leave me feeling powerless. However, in […]

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Blog Post

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Wed 29 Before leaving the UK I found a few architectural tours that looked worth investigation so decide today will be a day of action. I look online for alternative Plovdiv and find a map of in the city which […]

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Blog Post

Two trees

This time it was Greg’s turn to “pick a tree” and he wanted to explore the relationship between trees growing near each other. The weather was terrible but we braved the rain and incorporated it into the work, though did […]

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Blog Post

Filming: Day 1

On arriving I couldn’t help but be drawn to the stunning camellias, which reminded me of my year in Japan, about 30 years ago. At the time, I was planning to do a PhD in 7th Century Chinese literature and was learning […]

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