notes for an emerging research project in no particular order fine art basis intersecting well being psychology late diagnosis neurodivergence play theory reuse ethos play making/ play working extending the permission for adults research the work around sutton smith’s work […]
it has struck me today that at some point i need to define what i mean by isolation – how does it apply to me and what does it feel like. this afternoon i walked our dog and on the […]
copied and pasted from a diary entry watch white lion episode wallander. at the end I cry. I cry because the end of the story shows me how as a person we have the choice to work towards something. something […]
notes about hope after sending a message to the author of a research degree thesis downloaded from write the notes while the feeling of hope is still present maintain a level headed ness about the message – its a […]
aspect of discovering what was discovered many years ago – peruvian weaving lines. wanting to do research my way – not being guided to do it the way in which the dominate neurotypical past methods have been done. a neurodivergent […]
Working on ideas for the Leeds Creative Labs Smeaton300 project where I’m one of the artists paired with a researcher from University of Leeds Civil Engineering to explore creative ways of thinking together. Love the colour in the civil engineering […]
I took a chance and shared a vision. I took a chance and trusted the process I took a chance and believed in myself. The result was being awarded an a-n Artists Bursaries 2022-23. And I am well pleased and […]
Freelance Research – University of Warwick & Culture Central Partnership
Supermarket My head is spinning with so many thoughts … thoughts that are closely related to being at the fair, and those that have a less direct connection but have been sparkled by something that I have seen, heard, or […]
R&D visit to the home of the internet
A place to share the knowledge I am learning through and within my creative practice.
Research Project for final project for my MFA at Nottingham Trent University
When learning botanical illustration, my first (and main) port of call is researching the works of other illustrators and attempting to emulate the detail and precision that they achieve in their works. This is a very different way of studying […]
For my final degree project, I have embarked on a very lengthy and involved process of creating an engaging and interesting resource about the most endangered plants in the world. As a climate activist, I talk about the human cost […]
It has been a while since I have blogged, mainly because I have been focusing on finishing my final dissertation for my Masters followed by a certain amount of flummoxing about with family commitments mixed with needing to not do […]
hi nick wow ! what a few weeks it’s been – the what next summit has taken me to places that i probably wouldn’t have experienced without it. now as the virtual dust settles i’m going to take a moment to […]
Since my last blog a lot has happened. 2021 has begun, I’ve had a little girl, we are in our third lockdown and we’re experiencing COVID variants. Having a daughter is a lot harder than I thought, I imagined I […]
the view from the dining room table today is one of calm trees and clear blue sky, the frost on the roofs slowly disappearing from view as the sun slowly transits out of sight. my view is accompanied by the […]
My a-n bursary was for building contacts in the prison service to develop a new idea for working collaboratively on an exhibition commission with prisoners. What a year it turned out to be for learning about the arts in a difficult to access sector.
when all my thoughts combine to create no way forward i know it’s time to curl up on the sofa for a few hours and hide under a blanket. now having done that i can continue to try to reflect […]