waste - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Day 4 in the Big Plastic House

Engaging in a detailed way with industrial manufacturing means immersing oneself in a world of language, techniques and processes that are at times utterly surprising. The products produced in the factory today have ranged from a very high end car […]

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Blog Post

Intergenerational Justice & Revolution

I’m 48 hours into a residency that’s as focused upon manufacturing timelines and heritage-based narratives as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and competitive strategies. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and supported by arts commissioners Super Slow Way, the Art in […]

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Blog Artist

Plastic Fantastic (1) / Queen Victoria and Roy

I am pleased to announce my participation as an Artist in Residence with the ground breaking ‘Art In Manufacturing’ project. As part of the first ever National Festival of Making, supported by arts commissioners Super Slow Way and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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Blog Post

Research Objectives, Reflections & Returning.

Residencies are as diverse as the practitioners, organisations and environments that host them. From fee paying to sponsored, rural to urban and global to local. They provide a matrix for investigation, invention and exploration (at best) and at worst they […]

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Blog Post

Economies of Scale

On Thursday 11th September I visited two environments married to the same material yet radically different in scale. The Cooper-Recifavela, Cooperative de Catadores de Materiais Reciclãveis do Favela Vila Prudente de São Paulo, emerged from a union of residents in […]

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Blog Post


‘Waste doesn’t come from itself. It is the mirror of our society…it is the mirror of who we are’ Philip Heylen, Antwerp, Belgium. Vice-mayor for Culture and Tourism at Stad Antwerpen Today marks the end of the official conference talks in […]

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Blog Post

Inter silo / intra-silo

Over 24hrs into experiencing a new continent (South America), a new environment (the Uber Uber Corporate Conference) and a language that ‘belongs’ to many countries ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_of_Portuguese_Language_Countries ) I am more sure than ever that my practice exists within an intra-silo space. […]

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Blog Artist

São Paulo Residency 2014

I’ve been invited to participate in the ‘World Congress on Solid Waste Management’ in São Paulo, Brazil, from 8th – 11th September 2014. What follows is a response.

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