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Since I painted my space I have mounted all of the keys onto the wall by drilling holes of the same size as the stem of each key into the wall and wedging them in. For the keys which this was not possibl, I used coctail sticks to put in the holes at the end of the key and insert the sticks into much smaller drilled holes in the wall. I used polyfilla at times to make sure the keys would stay in. I feel that the keys work really well next to Kayleigh’s photograph as her picture has alot of brown tones which tie up really well with the rusty keys.

I hung my vaccum formed frames on the small wall between Karen and my space. I called one “Retain” and the other “Recall” as they have retained the shape of the object formed and also recall memories as one of them has some personal found objects incoorporated.

I put the vitrine against the wall which is next to Ian’s space and filled it with empty frames. These i have called “Empty spaces where there once were faces”. This represents someone who has suffered with memory loss as they would not recognise the people in their photos anymore in a severe case. I also like the idea that the frames are desgined to hold a photo but without the photo they no longer have a purpose. The only problem with the space the vitrine is in, is that it is next to the swipe in point on the wall which is a little unsightly and distracting. Hopefully it is not too encroaching!