This is a very rushed and excited attempt at a description of an idea I just came up with for my degree show!

Keys hung from the ceiling above a tank of water (or liquid substance – jelly could be interesting!)- A nylon string suspends the keys; they are at different levels with a tank beneath them, which represents the brain. The keys unlock memories. Some of the keys are above the water; others are below the water (Could incorporate a mechanism so they move up and down, some slowly some fast, repetition of memories?) The keys are different shapes and sizes, each memory unique. Beside this have the vacuum formed images and other casts?

I’m now going to get on with the D-word, I thought I would just get this idea down; it’s definitely a keeper!


Some photos I have been taking on my phone that I only just got round to uploading.

Some of them are literally a memory of a moment that i couldn’t record in any other way, I just wanted to capture the way I was feeling at the time.


I thought i’d post the photos of the card I made for Alex, as the card is kind of relevant to my subject of memory. I really hope he is doing ok, what happened has had a big impact on all of us in level 6 Fine Art.

I got everyone to send me a message which i pasted into the card and i took it to him in the hospital. I’ve been back to see him once since then and im going to see him hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

I heard that he is able to talk a little again which is really positive.


Some of this doesn’t make any sense and is personal experience but I wanted to get it all down as I feel like I’ve turned a corner with my dissertation by having this conversation with myself!

The aftermath of a manic episode.

The evidence of the trauma.

The carnage is more beautiful than the artwork I am attempting to make.

I must admit I’m surprised I achieved anything at all with my mind racing.

“IM RAPID CYCLING!” (Extreme highs and lows in quick succession)

“But you don’t even have a bike, Sarah.” – Post Trauma Bi Polar Related Humour. (Emin inspired)

If I make light of the situation I’m the only one who finds it funny. I’m not expecting others to laugh at my sad little jokes. But it helps. It really helps. Why is that so strange?


Vaccum Forming!

I bought 5 pieces of clear plastic for the former and John & Ruben showed me how to use the machine.

I really enjoyed using this because it is very quick and is alot of fun.

I chose several objects to try in the vaccum former, some of which were too large.

I made a video of the plastic melting and dipping as it heated up and then went back to its original shape before it was good to form.

I found the way the plastic can be formed into any shape intriguing and was particularly interested in the way it holds the memory in fine detail.

The safe was too deep for the former and caused a crease int he plastic which meant that the object next to it was not as detailed.

The ones which i had cast from the plaster and keys came out especially well as they picked up a huge amount of detail, and i can now case these again in plaster (although i do like them as they are!)

I would like to play around with found objects and photographs behind the plastic as this might be visually interesting.

I think that the white piece is very strong becase you look only at the form rather than what you can see behind the shapes in the plastic.

I would like to experiment further with this and see if i can make some more interesting arrangements with the vaccum former.

The box was a little too deep to work properly. I took this video to show how the plastic changes shape and dips but then goes flat just before you form it around the objects.