Spend today getting ready for the Big Collab in Bournemouth today. Deconstructed my 2011 diary for use as business cards.

Got a call from Louise Atkinson about the show she’s curating in Leeds during the artists book fair this year. Discussed some ideas and have a starting point must got to get onto it ASAP because it’s in March.

That’s all, no conscious thinking.


Back to uni today- assessment presentations. But not for me I was observing and then doing my utmost to get some money for food.

First off was a year 2 part time student (me this time next year) researching skin. I wasn’t tuned in to be honest until the work was unveiled. Delicate drawings in pencil and watercolour of bellies and armpits. Edible, delicious and then the display in the dark with just a spotlight – intimate and dramatic.

Full-time was next- so much text and folders and explaination about explainations and filing and organising and then a film that made us cringe then paintings without a hint of ability in the use of the medium and finally the climax a digital print that said everything- I wish they had have just shown us that we had been let sit there for 30minutes taking it in. Would it have been as awesome without the lengthy and tedious stroll around the mind?

And so on it went inspiring and difficult, awesome and awkward.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Carl Jung

Then to the Job Centre. After 2 hours of explainations and proving and promising and signing I found that I was entitled to nothing. So the rest of the day has been spent looking for meanial, unskilled, minumum wage part time employment. I need a break – please world give me a chance and I can show you what I am capable of and it will blow your mind and mine.


Cleared out the storage room but didn’t like it in the end. Art’s hard!


Spent most of today looking for jobs and ways to create some kind of income. Even resorted to selling drawings on ebay.

There’s a few interesting art opportunities I in the midst of applying for. If I could get even one of those I’d be laughing.

No idea how I will pay my course fees, going to job center on Tuesday to sign on hopefully.


Yesterday’s productivity obviously took it out of me. I didn’t wake up til 1 today and that’s only because I was called for lunch.

I was planning to empty that room to install work and photograph but instead I just lay around and finished the book on workplace bullying at art colleges.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day.