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Waiting for the little green line to get to the other end without crashing the system has been my main concern today. Sat in the gallery surrounded by 70’s pop art by Neville Cooper I spent 8 hours putting together the webcam stills into eventually two films. A far stretch from making pinhole photographs where it’s all down to the human hand rather than the spec of your equipment.

Before all that I picked up the five prints I selected from the pinhole film camera I made. At the studio there are rumours of ghosts and these images certainly leave room from imaginings of spirits. You can just about make out a room possibly a figure, maybe a cat. The unseen captured and printed. Still, it’s far from what I want to achieve. Which now raises the question, have I gone to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and forgotten to boil the water? Or am I still in the hallway?

The collating of the still images into films seems contrived compared to the simplicity of capturing the images in the first place. I’ve chosen not to edit out the long periods of time shuffling about, drinking tea, chatting etc which has created a 16min long clip. I’ve shared it with the other MA students for a bit of feedback so hopefully they will respond and help me to improve it. It’s also possible that because I didn’t enjoy the process I am projecting this onto the work.