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word for the day : Covert

Today I played a character in Laura (http://lauraeldret.com/index.htm) Eldrets film Power and Service.

Set on site in Swanage, Dorset the cast was a group of volunteers who had created a character with the theme of power and service.

I came up with my character after a dream I had whilst staying with a friend in London. When I woke up I tried to explain but then resorted to drawing the image I’d dreamt of.

That day I went looking for the costume to match my drawing. I started by looking for the right material. I thought I might make it from scratch, but then whilst browsing the vintage shops on Brick Lane I came across THE dress.

It was more amazing than what I had or could have dreamt of. I tried it on and as I did up the buttons it felt like it was made for my body. I did a deal and handed over the plastic. It was mine!

Today it came together, the dress, the quill tattoo, the gloves, the paper mask and a skull. Slick! It attracted attention – as planned.

Is there a name for this character? Not just yet. She has been formed maybe now she should get out more.

Sally O’Reilly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_O%27Reilly) will watch the finished film and create a script. Maybe I should write a script for this character I have created. She has been quiet I don’t know if she can speak and her action is limited. Maybe she is present and silent?