Viewing single post of blog 10pm

7.30am wake up and plan what I will do for my black painting for peer critiques on Wednesday, wonder what the others will look like and whether I will show them at Gallery Soup
8.00am dream about how Urban Sculpture Garden will look
9.12am finally roll out of bed and realise that I have to be at Gallery Soup at 10am to install work, frantically gather materials and fixings, make coffee for flash and jump on my bike
9.43am left the house to cycle to Holdenhurst Rd
10.14am arrive at Gallery Soup – it’s closed
10.16am post package as promised, buy postcard for Bella’s project
10.20am still no sign of Jonathan, cycle to Uni for research and Turkey sessions at The Gallery
11am receive reply to the snotty email I sent at mid-night, it’s pleasantly respectful, wave of guilt at being so assertive
11.10am after peppermint tea (I’ve have been banned for coffee after letting it slip that I dreamt of being an art leprechaun) settle into research on Edward de Bono whilst simultaneously researching the Situationists)
12.09pm get some nice calming tomato soup from the canteen
12.30pm begin Turkey art stories – my turn. Only a handful of us present. Thinking about it I wished I planned projects to make the most out of them rather than just making, exhibition and making again. Hopefully I can apply planning for MA to my work after the course.
1.30pm call Hannah back about writing a reference for her
1.42pm must leave to go back to Gallery Soup
2.15pm finally arrive at Gallery Soup
2.30pm start to work out what and how I am showing in this exhibition
3.30pm decide that I should clean the windows.
4pm buy squidgy
4.40pm sit looking at my work and wondering
5pm tea break, still no work
6pm try to make work, play instead
7pm Tomasz arrives, Jonathan is also here. Argue about work, try out different things, and argue again
7.45pm Tomasz and Jonathan go to get food. I finish putting up my work.
7.58pm the guys are back more discussion about what is art
8.00pm I think I’m finished here
8.15pm still not finished, Jonathan has installed his work. Tomasz is measuring. I think I’m done for today.
8.30pm after further debate and insisting that Jonathan not risk his life to adjust the lighting I cycle home
9pm bath and stew (after)
9.30pm I get an email from Simon Lee-Dicker from OSR Projects with the image from the Long Lunch – so happy!!!
10pm a-n not working
10.20pm decide to do a word doc and upload tomorrow.