Viewing single post of blog 205A Morning Lane

Ok, so this is how it all started: I had this vision of eyes blinking… many, many eyes placed next to eachother, just blinking. Blinking was to me a sign of a moment at first, moment(s) that are usually taken for granted… moment(s) that we do not pay attention to because of various entanglements with past or future.Then, it occured to me that "closing eyes" as an expression has also some connection to this idea.
At the same time I heard that the buliding in which I shared a studio with Annie Davey is about to be demolished and that all of us have to move out by the end of October this year. That's when things started to click together. It was the end of the building, the end – eyes closing – the end. At the same time it became obvious that since all of the artists in the building are mainly visual artists – it had to be our eyes… Our production is directly affected by this change.
Then, I approached SPACE, who are managing the building with the idea of making an outdoor video installation that marks the end of the building. It was a move made in Cairos – "the right moment". They were more that happy to hear about this as they believed there has to be something done that raises awareness of this trend – closing down artists' studio buildings.
Later, FREEFORM, a public art organisation also based in East London, expressed their interest in supporting the project. Which brings me to present and the current state od production:this is a self funded public art project with strong in-kind support. It makes me a bit worried, but also it raises great determination to make this project happen. Right now I'm working on pubilicity, which makes me super stressed as I never did it before. Finally I have dates confirmed for projections: 23rd – 29th April. Luckily enough, friends help :)