Craft and Art. Is there really a difference?

The students from the ‘fine art’ module came to see my work the other day and continued to refer to it as ‘craft’. This irritated me as I would call it art.

I am struggling to get my head around their definition. I didn’t want to mingle with fine artists, they just sit arguing about nothing for hours instead of having real lessons.

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Need to get my comissions out of the way so I can really focus on my work.

Really getting in to developing my ideas now.


Huzzah! My modules have finally been sorted out! It’s great that I pay loads of money without any kind of help or funding to be at this extremely well-organised establishment…

Anyway, I now have print-outs of my research images (thankyou daddys work, I couldn’t afford to pay for print-outs at uni) and begun the tedious process of sticking them all in to my sketchbook. Now I can start with the actual idea development. I think I must lock myself in a room to make myself do it. Currently I just have loads of ideas buzzing around in my head which I want to go straight in to the hotshop and make so, obviously, when I get to the hotshop without a drawing/plan I completely forget what Im there to do. I have been making some small shiny teacups lately though. I think my blowing skills are improving slowly. Teacups are actually related to my project, it’s not entirely twatting about whilst thinking about the mad-hatters teaparty.

Jelly baby status: a pain in the bum. Taking ages to hand-polish the ridges out of him. Also the acid-dipping place has closed. Great timing.