New York calls.

A curator has invited me to show some of the 99 in a small gallery in a small hill town outside New York. It’s great, because it means that whenever relatives ask what I’m working on I can say I’m putting work together for a show in New York. It doesn’t matter that it will cost a fortune to send work over, and bring it all, (probably unsold), back again.

The important thing is that from now until August I won’t have to hear the words, ‘get a job’.


Dilemma resolved. It’s been a weird few months with moving house and studio. 99 Objects has ended. The blog finished and half of the work sold in a quick open studio type fundraising exercise.

Having just noticed this blog highlighted on a-n I feel compelled to atleast add the rest of the completed paintings; something I rapidly did on the blog proper way back in October.

Moving is always good for a clearout, but it’s left me wondering what the point of all this art producing is for? Larger pieces, made in a state of ongoing development, become redundant as new work is made, and is clearly noticable when it comes to finding space in the new home.

Thankfully, the 99 are small, and can be discreetly tucked away until Miami calls…