Viewing single post of blog 99 Objects

Getting up to London, checking a few galleries, being inspired by new and exciting artists, enjoying the cosmopolitan before embarking on the train home, head full of ideas and notions. Never happens. I’m far too scared to leave the studio.

On the rare occasions when it has, the best bit is always walking across Hungerford Bridge out of Waterloo and looking at the view. Problem is my SLR has always been too big to take to the big L, so this image comes from my mobile phone, as ever used on travels. Reason enough I think to purchase that lovely pocketable new camera with the tasty red badge.

I’m getting a bit twitchy just thinking about it. Wonder what’s on at the Serpentine…

In other news: There’s still time to go down to the Ashgate and vote for your favourite artist of Surrey. Warning: Neck pain may be experienced when looking for my work.