Viewing single post of blog A landscape of marginal encounters

I started actually making things on Saturday. The photographs that I cut up on Friday have been used to make a few collage studies, thinking about the phrase ‘residential mosaic’ and what I’ve observed of how housing is laid out in Southend. They’re only little, but I found that each of them has taken around an hour, as I sort out the pieces of paper before selecting and arranging them.

I’d made three of them by lunchtime Saturday when I realised that the exhibition ‘Abstract Drawing’ was closing at The Drawing Room in London. Being in the South east meant that I could just hop on a train and catch the show. It was slightly serendipitous to view a collage by Gareth Evans in the show which used ‘Cut squares’ as it’s medium. Seeing that made me think about how I could cut up the collages I was making, which is what I’ve done this morning.

I’m going to test out an idea that I’ve had to make this into an installation. It involves modelling clay and casting and is a bit of a stab in the dark in regard to my standard skill set. Nothing ventured, nothing gained though. I’m off to bake some tiny fimo houses that I’ve made.