Viewing single post of blog A landscape of marginal encounters

After a day back at my own studio in St Helens, I’ve spent another afternoon in the big space in Widnes. I’ve spent my time in the big space making tiny things. Which seems a waste of the space, but I plan for it to come into it’s own as the works gets made.

I’ve been casting more houses that I started while I was in southend. The first lot have come out ok, although I need to make sure that I get rid of bubbles before I leave it to set. I’ve poured the first half of a second mould as I’m hoping to make hundreds of these houses and five at a time is going to be too slow. Probably going to need another few moulds though. That’s this week’s job.

I’ve arranged for a performer to come and work with me in the space next week, so that’s going to be exciting. And I’m talking to someone about writing a piece for the publication that will be produced to go with the exhibition.

I went back to New Mills yesterday and the drawing is still looking crisp in the sunshine. unfortunately the time lapse camera had moved. So I’ve rectified the problem and set it going again. Although I’m not sure that there will be much change to the drawing by the end of the festival. A case of waiting to find out.