Everyone Will Have a Pencil draws upon the idea of art being a central component to our every day lives – something accessible to all and encompassing a wide breadth of practices.

The works arose from a set of Welsh ceramic plates I was studying at the National Museum of Wales. There was something about these plates, and a few others in the gallery, that brought to mind the image of the Birmingham Crest. The concept of crest, which depicts the artist and engineer working together, is one which I first came into contact with during an internship with Eastside Gallery. It is an image and a concept which has continued to inspire me ever since.

The line Everyone Will Have a Pencil comes from a comments board the the Nation Museum Wales, where an audience member had responded to the question: What if every cultural institution opened its doors? 

One version of this work became an sign – the same size and shape as a circular road sign. This work is installed outside g39 gallery  – a nod towards describing the artist led space is and ideas around accessibility of galleries.